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Case Study

Replatforming the Legacy COBOL Applications to a Modern Technology for a Leading Financial firm

Whom we worked with

A Leading Financial Institution in New York State. It is a Federally-chartered wholesale bank providing a reliable source of liquidity to financial institutions

Our Solution

  • Provided an automated migration path allowing the bank’s resources to concentrate on maintenance, test and enhancement of the new applications
  • Proposed “MVC- N Tier” architecture by enhancing the performance of the systems
  • Converted the 50000 COBOL lines to only a 10000 lines JAVA program which is more readable and easy to understand
  • Achieved genuine modernization of the legacy applications by re-hosting the applications from Microfocus platform to an open source platform
  • Automated the entire test cases of the COBOL program for easier migration
  • Suggested to re-engineer the long running reports to a more stable DB2 environment stored procedure for reports generation
  • Additional features such as Rich responsive user interface and cross browser support were also incorporated in the converted applications
  • Reports were migrated to a more flexible report format- crystal reports


  • To Rewrite the 50000 plus COBOL lines into a new programming platform
  • To achieve genuine modernization of the legacy applications by re-hosting application environment to updated platforms
  • To automate the testing of the applications with new features being added iteratively


  • Developers and Testers were well aware of the process, technology and the culture during migration of the applications
  • Suggested some initial program conversion to be tested and moved into production
  • Build a flexible and highly performing environment between different architectures and platforms for easier migration

How we helped

  • Understand the applications and timelines for migrating critical applications
  • Created a unified automated application process, without affecting everyday business operations
  • Rewrite the full code that can be easily understood
  • Dedicated offshore team to support the migration of applications
  • Check the compatibility with standardizing JAVA as the development language

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