All-In-One Scriptless Test Automation Solution!

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Case Study

US Based Leading Suppliers of Drugs

Whom we worked with

Our customer is one of the leading suppliers of drugs, supplying more than 2000 pharmacies across the United States and also is a member-owned cooperative that is proud to provide the most progressive, effective and forward-thinking programs and services aimed at returning profits to the independent pharmacy.

Our Solution

Invoice Comparison

  • Customers Territory manager is provisioned to compare price of a new pharmacy against old prices

Preferred Partner Utilization

  • Sales manager is provisioned with the partner utilization data at pharmacy level, which enables the sales manager to assign selected preferred partner at pharmacy level – which intern boosts the business

Featured Articles

  • Marketing team uses this link to publish Articles on how a pharmacy can benefit and reach to success
  • Pharmacy facing portal, where in each pharmacy can track the purchases and rebates availed and along with knowing the latest happening at client location
  • By implementing the DevOps process time to market has reduced
  • Implemented automated testing and added value to Quality


  • Getting New Pharmacy into customer folder
  • Retaining the existing Pharmacy by providing best service
  • Improving the profitability of the member pharmacy
  • Invoice comparison between old and new Pharmacy


  • Able to get customer attention by providing benefit details and eventually leading to potential new member.
  • The rebate details for all the trades gives exact saving customer able to make

How we helped

  • We have improved the approach to customer needs and highlighted the best way to carry out business

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